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Join the band boosters!


Who are the SVHS Band Boosters?


We are the parents and grandparents who support the Band/Color Guard and make all of the extra events happen.  We are the volunteers, chaperones, fundraisers, equipment haulers and cheerleaders for every single member of our Ranger Band.  Being involved in the Boosters is a great opportunity to get involved in your student’s band activities and to keep up with the latest information for Band/Color Guard.  Monthly meetings are held at 6:30pm in the Band Hall, on the first Tuesday of every month (excluding June, July, December & January).


Make sure to join us on Facebook at SVHS Ranger Band Parents!

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Stephayne Gibson


Hello!  This is my 7th year as a band parent, we have had 2 Bari/Euphonium players. My youngest is a Junior and Section Leader this year.  I have been involved with Feed the Band, Chaperones, Pit Crew and this year have taken on Booster President where I will be more involved in the everyday aspects of our band family.  We are excited to have you and encourage you to plug in somewhere and volunteer.  You'll find other amazing parents and will create your own new family as well.  It's the greatest experience to watch your child grow in their world from a distance!  We look forward to getting to know you.



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Vice President



Erika Grimaldo

2nd Vice President

I'm Erika Grimaldo, your Vice President for the 2023-2024 band season. I have been a band parent for 5 years, have helped as chaperone, and am currently the chair for the Senior mums. I hope to see you on campus at the games and competition. Welcome to the family, Rangers we will be!

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Debbie Trepany




Rochelle McClanahan


Welcome to our Ranger Band family! This is my sixth year as a Band Booster and fifth as Treasurer. I also co-chair the Feed the Band Committee and chaperone our band kids at away games and events. I'm looking forward to an amazing marching band season and look forward to meeting everyone!

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Angela Lee

Assistant Treasurer


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