Good evening,
This Saturday, August 7th, will be our Band Registration event. Each Student and one parent will go through each station to set every student up for success for the whole year. This will include Uniforms, Sizing, Paperwork, Fees, and so much more. Below you will find the links for Winds and Percussion, and a separate link for Color Guard. Please be sure to select the correct form for your students. Every student needs to attend Registration at the SVHS Ranger Band Hall this Saturday in order to be sized/measured for all uniform parts. It is imperative that all members are sized this weekend in order to prevent delay in delivery of Performance uniform parts. These links are available in order to pay ahead of time. While times for registration are designated below to help with the flow of traffic, you may attend outside of your registration period if needed.
Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion:
Color Guard:
Registration Schedule (10am - 1:30pm):
SLT 9:30
Seniors and Juniors 10:00am
Sophomores 11:00am
Freshmen 12:00pm
Thank you! Hope to see everyone this Saturday!
Michael Childress
Director of Bands